Thursday, June 9, 2011

Travel time - Disneyland Day #2

My boys were so excited to be going back to Disneyland for a second day. It really is the happiest place on earth for an almost 5 and 3 year old. The classic family pic...
Now with Grandma Burgon...
My boys were excited to see Minnie Mouse. I was surprised Ty wasn't afraid of all the characters.Jackson and Dad went to the ride Soarin' over California, and since Ty wasn't big enough we went and saw Mater and McQueen. Ty loved it...All the boys on the rocket ride. Ty was so excited for this ride.Dad and Ty on the cars...Mom and Jackson on the car ride. Mom did the pedal and Jackson took the wheel. He's a crazy driver, I'm a little nervous for when he turns 16 :)At the end of the night we went to the light show World of Color. That was a fun way to end our last day at Disney.

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