Saturday, September 10, 2011


Jackson and Ty both started soccer this month. They both love it. Ty's program isn't much as he is only 3, but he really wanted to do soccer and be like his older brother. Go Ty-Ty...Working hard.....time for a water break!Making a goal! Nice work Ty...Jackson at soccer practice waiting his turn to dribble and score!Jackson's first game. He was excited he got green/teal uniforms (green is his favorite color) and he is number 5 ("Mom, that's how old I am!")Jackson loves to play defender. Even if he's not the goalie he tends to stay in the box to protect the goal.
Mom, I need water!!! By the end of a game he is so tired and worn out. It's nice for bedtime as he doesn't fight bedtime and just crashes. :)

1 comment:

Angie said...

They both look so big!