Saturday, August 14, 2010

Playing with cousins

We've had lots of fun playing with family and cousins this summer. Here are some pictures from the Draper swimming pool. Ty-Ty loves his aunt Alison!Ty and cute cousin Taelor, who all the little kids adore.My little Steve Erkel (sp?) This was the first pool we had been to all summer since we were in splash parks all summer in NY. My boys were loving it!My boys hanging out at grandma's with the Eckel cousins. Sad we only see them once a year :(We did our usual Brighton hike with my family. Here is Jackson and buddies!The cute Eckel girls...Me and my favorite boys....minus 1 boy in NY. :)Our last day seeing the Eckel's before they go back to California. :( Ty-Ty loved we all do of course.

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