Monday, May 5, 2008

What a perfect husband I have...

My 30th birthday was yesterday and last week my husband says, "I want you to open one of your presents early". Sounds good to me.....first, that would mean I'm getting "more than one present", and second, I'm always up for presents. So I open my gift and I find this homemade card from my husband.....

and inside it reads...

K, first of all my husband spent 3 hours making this card finding all the letters the right size from magazines (and he said he was playing xbox with Blake while instead doing my card), and then he surprises me with a kid-free trip to San Francisco for the weekend. Now, is that a cute husband or what???? I am so lucky to have Jeremy in my life and have someone who loves to take care of me and spoil me when I need it. Thanks babe.....your the best.

I'll post about our San Francisco trip once I can get a few more minutes and cross off some items on the To Do list.


s g said...

can't wait to hear details..I need to post about my san fran trip would have been so fun to see you! happy 30th!!

Shanna said...

So fun! What a great husband you have! coryy needs to take lessons!

WareHouse said...

Kipp and Jeremy need to get together and plan my next bithday, Christmas or mothers day. Any one will do.

Jen said...

I'm glad you had a good day. Wow, amazing hubby. Give us a call sometime. We always have fun when we do stuff with you guys.