Monday, April 28, 2008

Our Family trip to San Diego

So we went to San Diego a couple of weeks ago, but I am just getting to posting pictures. I seem to have little motivation lately when it comes to the computer. It's nice to have something to blame stuff on like pregnancy... :)
We had such a fabulous time.....thanks to my sister Alison and her husband Mike. They were such gracious hosts and made us feel right at home. Jackson absolutely loved their kids and I loved having someone else to play trains or trucks with Jackson. I think Jackson forgot I was there half the time. Here are lots of hard to choose just a few.

All the kids in Old town San Diego. Jackson loved being outside with his cousins.
At Seaport Village there was a merry-go-round and Jackson LOVED it. He wouldn't sit on the horse so we sat on the bench instead. He loved waving to dad each time we came around. The tantrum was pretty big once he realized it was over and he had to get off.
We went to the Wild Animal Park and Jackson started out scared of the animals in the petting zoo and tried hiding under dad's legs.

But after a few more attempts he loved giving food to the deer. He was sad once the food was all gone.

Jackson watching the ducks in the pond. We captured him while saying "Quack, Quack".

We had a kid-free night and went to La Jolla to eat at the Burger Lounge (which was fabulous) and came home to this sweet photo-op. :) He has such sweet cousins....thanks Xani for taking such good care of him!

We went to eat brunch at a cool little surfer's cafe called Pipes cafe and then hit the beach after. Jackson was a little weary of the sand and wouldn't quite relax if he was touching the sand. It was hilarious to watch... He wouldn't touch it with his hands and tried to make as little contanct as possible with his feet while sitting. We definitely need to get to the beach more often so this kid isn't so afraid of the water and sand.

Our family photo at Disneyland. It was so much fun, and Jackson had the time of his life.
Jackson loves Mickey Mouse and so we were curious as to how he would react seeing him. He liked seeing him, but only from afar, and only if dad was with him.

This time Jackson got on the horse and loved the merry-go-round again. This was probably his favorite ride!

On the teacups with my brother Jeff and his daughter Gracie. Man I am ghostly white...almost didn't post pictures of me, but oh well the kids and Jeff are cute! :)

Jackson with his cute cousin Gracie obviously not wanting to sit still for a picture on Minnie Mouse's couch.

Jackson and dad on the rocket ride. Jackson loves this place!!!

Jackson clapping for the parade and watching in amazement at all the characters going by.

Jackson and and his cousin Lance smelling the flowers at the San Diego temple. We showed them how to smell the flowers and not pick them, and so they kept squatting down and doing was so cute!

Our family at the beautiful San Diego temple grounds. We wished we could have had more time to go inside, but just seeing the grounds was fun.

We had such a great time and were sad to come home. We love California so much and kept wishing we could live there. The weather was perfect and I especially loved having Jeremy to hang out with every day and not have him go to work.


Christiansen's said...

What fun pictures. YOu have got to love the tantrums :)

s g said...

wow, what a fun trip! lewis would probably react the same as jackson to the disney characters..only from was great to see you the other week!

Shanna said...

Fun vacation! K are you really pregant?! You look fantastic:)

E Winzeler said...

How fun Jenn! I would love to take Landon to Disney Land! Darline pics of your cute family :)!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! Way cute pictures! The San Diego temple is my favorite! It really hasn't been that long since I've seen Jackson, but he looks so big. It is kind of sad how fast they grow up, but fun too.

Alder Family said...

What a FUN family vacation for you guys! Jackson looks so darling in every picture. And you look great...still can't tell that you're prego :)

Lisa said...

Hello! I found you through Keri's, then Angie's blog. I can't believe how big Jackson is! He is adorable and you look awesome. Congratulations on another boy! I hope you are all doing well and hope to see you next time we're in Utah. Elder Mikey will be home in July so maybe we'll get to see you then. Take care!


Jen said...

I love looking at your blog, because you guys always look so happy!!! So cute. You made me excited for our trip to Disney Land coming up.

Angie said...

Oh those were the cutest pictures! I absolutely loved seeing my cute nieces and nephews! You guys got some great shots and looked like you all had a fun time!