Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Freedom Writers...

So its been a long time since I've watched a movie and been truely inspired. I love when a person is overwhelmed with passion for something. Nothing seems to move me more. Tonight I watched Freedom Writers and found myself wanting and yearning for Mrs. G's passion. I don't know if its because I was a teacher for 4 years or if I just want to believe in "something" so much. I'm grateful for people that make good, clean movies first of all; and also for people that remind me to live with passion and inspire me to find what I'm meant to do. It's truly amazing what one person can do.


Autumn said...

I loved this movie also. Maybe it is the teaching thing, but I think it might just be that a desire to make the world better is in each of us. Sometimes, I just need to be reminded! Love your blog.

Camille said...

haven't seen it, but totally want too. your blog looks great :)

Shanna said...

and...... Patrick Dempsy is hot! I spelled his name wrong! I love movies that inspire me too!

s g said...

so glad you joined the blogging world..I have heard this movie was great..I will have to go and rent it!

Shanna said...

alright... give us an update on your cute little family!